Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Economy Today

The article by Time magazine entitled, “Obama, McCain Try to Seize Economy Issue” is about the two candidates’ different views on how the economy should be fixed. While both agree in saying that it is not the public’s fault for obvious reasons, who they blame, are two different stories. Obama points his finger at the current administration, and their trickle down theory when it came to tax cuts. McCain, on the other hand, blames the greed on Wall Street. To fix the problems both have talked of tax cuts. Obama wants tax cuts for the poor and middle class workers, while McCain wants bigger tax cuts for corporations and wealthy businessmen. Obama wants stricter regulation on businesses, and McCain would like less federal involvement.
The reason this article is so important is because economics is what fuels everything. It is the big topic. The number one cause of divorce is money. The easiest way to have peace between nations is through open trade. This article specifically has to deal directly with you, unless you feel like never getting paid or having a job. The questions of “how much say should government have in private business?”, “why give a tax cut while we are in extreme debt?”, and “what do I stand to gain?”, because let’s face it Americans are individualists, all come up in this article.,8599,1841314,00.html

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